Drink Wise Wales – Website design


Drink Wise Wales are a welsh organisation established to deliver the facts about the dangers of consuming excessive alcohol. The premise of the organisation is to deliver the facts about alcohol abuse in a no-judgemental way. The brief was to design a website to allow them to deliver that message in a visual style that was sympathic to the content.


The informal nature of the messages was also expressed through the visual design of the website using friendly, hand-drawn graphics to communicate the information. This helped soften some quite alarming facts and figures about alcohol abuse. It also made the site more visually appealing to engage with the audience. The logo was also designed around this 'non-judgemental', informal approach. Consideration was also given to making the site as interactive and as easy to use as possible as we were aware that a passive audience may not engage with it otherwise. Visit the site at www.drinkwisewales.org.uk. I created this brand during my time working for Golley Slater, Cardiff.


  • Web
  • Branding
  • Advertising
  • Design

dww website

drinkwisewales banner advertising

Skyscraper banner advertising was developed for a Christmas campaign. This digital ad was aimed at females over the festive period.

drinkwisewales flash game

A bespoke Flash game was developed to demonstrate the effects of drinking on reaction times. The character catches eggs projected from a chimney. As the timer counts down, the character is increasingly difficult to control.

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